Ashikaga Flower Park- Perfect Place to See Flowers in Different Colors


Ashikaga Flower Park


Ashikaga Flower Park, located in Ashikaga City, Japan, popular for its stunning botanical gardens renowned for its breath taking vast collections and displays of flowers, especially during the Wisteria Festival

The Ashikaga Flower Park opened in 1968, covers around 94,000 square meters of land witnessing hundreds of flowering plants and trees, including over 350 wisteria trees. One of the interesting and famous features of the park is the 150 year old wisteria tree which is considered as the national monument in Japan primarily by the Tochigi Prefecture.

Such an impressive flower park includes many beautiful attractions which visitors always try to immensely indulge in its beauty. Let's discuss one by one;

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What are the Top Attractive Things in Ashikaga Flower Park?


1. The Wisteria Tunnel


Also called “fuji” in Japan, an 80 meters tunnel of white wisteria or yellow Kibana. Tunel includes one of the white wisteria and other wisteria like yellow Kibana. Four large wisteria vines will make every backpacker crazy by its stunning.


2. Great Wisteria Festival


Ashikaga Flowers Park’s Wisteria Festival of great things to see and enjoy, which is held every year from April to May. During festivals visitors can spot varieties of flowers under pink, white, purple and yellow color. 

Festival blessed by more than 350 wisteria trees in full bloom. Every year during the month April and May flowering takes place, therefore festivals are held during the exact time period. 

Open at 7.00 am and close at 6.00 pm and interestingly light up period also has special night-time admission opening hours from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. 

Visitors have to pay a prescribed ticket to enjoy the festivals. Fees range from 900 to 1800 yen for adults and 500 to 900 yen for children’s. 

For “Light up Period”, fees include 600 to 500 yen for adults and 300 to 800 yen for children’s.

Remember fees may vary based on the time of flowers bloom and season of the bloom. 


3. Seasonal Displays


Despite the annual Wisteria Festivals, Ashikaga Flower Park is showcasing various other seasonal flowers throughout the year. Such as Tulips, Rose, and Hydrangeas. These festivals offer a glimpse of the park to visitors during different seasons and year round. 


4. Flower Fantasy


Flower Fantasy exhibits some of the flowers which exclusively blossom during the winter such as pansies and violas. These are supplemented with an enthralling winter illumination display. Flower Fantasy is all about showcasing light flower gardens, including 4.5 million multi-coloured LED lights. 

These lights cover bushes, trees and visitors pathways, Lights also synchronized to music to create a dreamlike escape. 


5. Illumination Events


Park includes many events, especially for those who are always looking forward to the winter season. Despite Flower Fantasy, Ashikaga Flower Park has some of the mesmerising illumination events, highlights the flowers and creates a magical ambiance. Surly events will draw the attentions of the visitors who truly experience the enchanting scenes. 


6. Awards and Recognitions

Despite its incredible flower exhibitions, events, displays and festivals, Ashikaga Flower Park is also blessed by many numerous accolades. Ranked among Japan's top flower park, Japan’s illuminated award for three consecutive years and one of the top three illumination events in Japan. These recognitions and awards will boost credibility and trustworthiness among both domestic and international visitors. Click here to see Best Japan Winter Illuminations.


7.  Other Attractions

As we know that Ashikaga Flower Park is a major tourist attraction, however the place is also filled by many other beautiful attractions especially for family travellers. Such as playgrounds, walking paths, cafes and restaurants, making it an ideal palace to enjoy with members irrespective of age. 


Entrance Fees to Ashikaga Flower Park



     Time of Visit

    For Adults

 For Children’s


From Beginning of March to Middle of April.

500-1,400 yen

300-700 yen


From the middle of April to the end of May.

1,100-2,200 yen

600-1,100 yen


From the end of May to the end of June.

700-1,300 yen

400-700 yen


From the beginning of July to the end of February.

400-1,400 yen

200-700 yen



1. Children’s above the age of 4 are considered eligible to receive fees.

2. People with the group of 20 and above can apply for 10% discounts.

Click here to Book your Tickets to Ashikaga Flower Park.

Ashikaga Flower Park Opening Hour

Flower Park is open from 10 am to 5 pm (with last entry 4:30pm). Open every year except the third Wednesday and Thursday of February and December 31.

During the winter season, from late November until February, hours may vary, usually opening at 10 am and closing at 5 pm. 

At the time of Wisteria Festivals, visitors can visit by its extended hours from 7 am to 9 pm (especially for mid-April to mid-May).


What is the Best Time to Visit Ashikaga Flower Park?

Obviously mid-April to mid-May could be the best option to visit Ashikaga Flower Park. During this period visitors can spot the Great Wisteria Festival, which offers different flowers blooming in different color. 

You can also visit during winter month to explore flower fantasy, illumination events and some of the Winter Ashikaga Fireworks Festivals. 


How to Get to Ashikaga Flower Park from Tokyo

There are multiple ways to reach from the capital city of Tokyo, Japan. If you have a Japan Rail Pass, it is very easy to reach Flower Park. Travellers can get to Ashika Flower Park station, only if they first arrive at OyamaStation in order to take the JR Ryomo line.

Once in Oyama station, take a train line between JR Royomo lines to Ashikaga Flower Park Station. Usually it will take 34 minutes to reach. Once you reach the park railway station, visitors can take just a 3 minutes’ walk to the park situated at 607 Hasama Cho, Ashikaga.

However, alternatively visitors can also take JR Utsunomiya Line, which operates from Tokyo Station (1 hour and 10 minutes to reach).

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